The list of cultivars for vg0114563116 with genotype G in the Indica I population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Vietnam_Zaodao B009 Indica I Vietnam ERS470227
WH62 C062 Indica I Henan SRR1239662
Gang_46B CX10 Indica I China ERS470464
None CX203 Indica I None
None CX258 Indica I None
None CX457 Indica I None
None CX459 Indica I None
None CX460 Indica I None
None CX468 Indica I None
None CX471 Indica I None
None CX491 Indica I None
HSIEH-DAU IRIS_313-10504 Indica I China ERS469381
LONG_GE_33 IRIS_313-11666 Indica I China ERS468843
HSIN-T'AO-YUAN-CHING-YU IRIS_313-11695 Indica I China ERS468870
E_ZI_32 IRIS_313-11797 Indica I China ERS469003
EX_AUBERGE IRIS_313-12016 Indica I Egypt ERS469154